00161 | Polish-Soviet colloquium on the organic chemistry of phosphorus. May 1970 |
00162 | Participants of 'Hetero-organic polymers' school. Kazan, 1984 |
00163 | Aleksandr Yerminingel'dovich Arbuzov's 90th birthday. 1967 |
00164 | 5th International OPC conference. Gdansk, 1974 |
00165 | Aleksandr Yerminingel'dovich Arbuzov. Early 1900-s |
00166 | 1st OPC conference. 1954 |
00167 | Boris Aleksandrovich Arbuzov in the SICR laboratory N3. 1920-s |
00168 | Aleksandr Yerminingel'dovich Arbuzov's 80th birthday. 1957 |
00169 | Boris Arbuzov with his cousin Kostja Mufke. 1911-1913 |
00170 | Borja Arbuzov. Novo-Aleksandrija. 1905 |
00171 | Boris Aleksandrovich Arbuzov in Butlerov's study. 1950-s |
00172 | Boris Aleksandrovich Arbuzov. 1940-s |
00173 | A.Z.Nikonova is presenting thesis. 1970-s |
00174 | À.Å.Arbuzov with his pupils. 1967 |
00175 | Boris Aleksandrovich Arbuzov, Nikolaj Nikolaevich Semenov, Nikolaj Al.Figurovskij. UzkoYe. 1983 |
00176 | Boris Aleksandrovich Arbuzov with IOPC employees. 1978 |
00177 | IOPC laboratory employees: A.N.Vereshchagin, B.A.Arbuzov, I.M.Mukmenyov, A.O.Vizel'. 1978 |
00178 | B.A.Arbuzov at IOPC Academic council. 1973 |
00179 | Boris Aleksandrovich Arbuzov. 1940-s |
00180 | Academician Boris Aleksandrovich Arbuzov and Doctor of Chemical Science Z.T.Isaeva are giving a qualifying examination on chemistry of natural compounds for the candidate degree to R.R.Dyakonova and T.A.Bakalejnik |