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About Official
T.D.Sorokina, Candidate of Chemical Science, is a specialist in the field of Chemistry of organophosphorus compounds. She has got 28 scientific works published in the central scientific editions of the USSR. She made reports at All-Union and international conferences. In 1970-80-s, being a guide of the Kazan Bureau of Travelling and Excursions, she acquainted the tourists with the historic past and present of the city.
Since 1999, she has been working as the director and a guide of Kazan Chemistry School Museum. Tamara Dmitrievna carries out a great scientific and enlightening work with pupils, students and the participants of international and All-Russian conferences held in Kazan.
Besides, she is the author of numerous publications, among them being: "Chancellors of Kazan University 1804-2004", "B.A.Arbuzov. Scientist. Pedagogue.", a brochure "B.A.Arbuzov", articles in the social and political "Kazan" magazine, dedicated to the history and modern achievements of scientists of Kazan Chemistry School, booklet "Kazan Chemistry School Museum". Tamara Dmitrievna uses the exposition and the archive materials of the museum as educational materials in the lecture course on the history of Chemistry for the 4th-year students of the Chemistry Institute of A.M.Butlerov.
Acknowledgements to
Chancellor of Kazan State University M.H.Salakhov, pro-rectors R.J.Akhmadiev,A.I.Golovanov, N.K.Zamov, R.G.Minzaripov for their help in the realization of the project within the program of KSU Museums Informatisation
Director of Chemistry Institute of A.M.Butlerov, V.I.Galkin, for his consultations
Professor of Chemistry Institute of A.M.Butlerov, A.V.Zakharov, for the selection of materials
Officials of Scientific Library of N.I.Lobachevsky for the literature given
Editor-in-chief of the "Kazan" magazine, J.A.Balashov, for the collection of digital images
Administration and the students of Lyceum №33 at KSU for the organisation and completion of technical work
Project completed by
V.Egorov, N.Zin'kina, J.Zin'kina, T.Sorokina, N.Shamsutdinova.
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 | Kazan State University |
 | Museum Director T.Sorokina |
 | Brochures edited to the 200th anniversary of Kazan University |
 | Booklet "Kazan Chemistry School Museum" |
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