There are portraits of A.M.Butlerov, A.M.Zaitsev, and A.Ye.Arbuzov on the walls of the exhibition hall. The Butlerov's portrait in the big old frame was presented by the widow of the scientist, Nadezhda Mikhailovna. Butlerov's bust is also exhibited there. It was presented by his son, who participated in the V Mendeleyev Congress.
One can see beautiful photoalbums and addresses, presented to A.M. Zaitsev by his colleagues and students on occasion of jubilees. The albums contain portraits of professors and lecturers of the Kazan University at the end of the XIX century, A.Zaitsev's disciples, and, among them, the photos of his brothers Konstantin, Aleksey, Mikhail and nephew Mikhail, who graduated from the department of physics and mathematics of the University.
The Zaitsevs' dynasty allowed to trace the connection of the university chemical laboratory with local industry. There were five elder brothers and two representatives from the second generation. Three elder brothers - Konstantin, Alexander and Mikhail - were Butlerov's students; the others studied with Zaitsev. Alexander Zaitsev got the highest scientific achievements. The rest of them worked in the laboratory, doing different jobs; Konstantin was a lecturer of analytical chemistry. Mikhail, junior master of chemistry, privat-docent, left for Novocherkassk in 1809, where he became a professor of the Donskoy Polytechnic Institute. Aleksey specialized in mineralogy and got a scientific Doctor's degree in 1887. In 1888 he became a professor of the Tomsk university.
Life of five Zaitsevs' brothers was connected with the Krestovnikovs' plant. In 1864-1867 the plant got commissions to test "all the materials, used in stearin-and-soap plant" at the laboratory. A.M.Zaitsev was an expert on all the questions of the plant activity. Olein acid, its transformations, and oil acids were the subject of special interest for him and his students. He proposed them the subjects for research and, one can say, "conducted" the whole dynasty of the Zaitsevs'; who were the backbone of the plant staff.
In 1868 the Krestovnikovs invited K.M.Zaitsev to the plant to organize a laboratory, and in 1872 he was appointed to the post of the director and filled this position for 35 years.
Mikhail Mikhailovich, the seniour, worked at the plant since 1872, and Pavel Mikhailovich since 1879. Nikolay A. Zaitsev worked at the plant after he had graduated from the university, later on, as a handicraft man; he made the so-called Zaitsev's medical soap.
In the 1890-s the Zaitsevs started working on the chemical firming of fatty acids and oils at the plant laboratory. In 1909 Zaitsevs' disciple Sergey Fokin realized this process at the Krestovnikovs' plant and got a license of Russia "for the method of hydrogenization of oils with nickel catalyst".
Reports and reprints of scientific articles by Zaitsevs are kept in the museum library. The collection of chemical preparations consists of olein, stearin, brassidin and other fatty acids as well as their derivatives.
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 | A.M .Butlerov's bust |
 | Albums, presented to A.M. Zaitsev |
 | At the Krestovnikovs' plant |
 | K.M. Zaitsev |
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