Beside all mentioned above, the museum has the materials, which are not shown to the visitors. There are documents on finance and educational process of the laboratory, going back to the years, when Zinin, Klaus, Butlerov and Zaitsev worked there. One can also see the materials on A.Ye.Arbuzov and B.A.Arbuzov's public activities as the deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the RSFSR and the Tatar Autonomous Republic, their letters to the worldly famous scientists and correspondence from overseas, Arbuzov's Diploma of Honorary Doctor of Martin Luther University (Halle, Germany) belonged to B.A.Arbuzov. There are also books with inscriptions, a lot of notebooks, documents of the jubilee participants, dedicated to the 220th anniversary of the Academy of Science of the USSR in 1945.
The museum of the Kazan School of Chemistry is involved in research work and educational activity. Among its visitors there are students of universities and institutes, teachers, participants of All-Russia and international conferences, being held in Kazan. All of them do come to the old chemical laboratory of the Kazan university, a cradle of Russian organic chemistry, which is famous all over the world.
Every year in January the museum is opened for the young chemists, the winners of the regional chemistry competitions. They gather for two-week training in the Kazan city, which is considered to be a historical center of Russian chemistry. Pupils from this group are chosen for the participation as the national team in the International Chemistry Contest for schoolchildren.
There are a lot of books, newspaper articles and brochures about the Kazan School of Chemistry and its history. Most of them are kept in the museum library. Among them there is A.A.Albitsky's brochure "Chemistry Department and Chemical Laboratory of the Kazan Emperor University. The past and the present", issued in 1899 in Kazan.
A.Ye. Arbuzov was an outstanding chronicle of the school. In his works he draws attention to the history of chemistry, fostering respect to relics, connected with the famous scientist. He also did his best to remain the interior of the rooms, laboratory and the study, making a great contribution to the museum.
Another well-known annalist of the school was A.S.Klyuchevich, the author of books about K.K.Klauss, F.M.Flavitsky and A.M.Zaitsev as well as the articles about chemists from Kazan. We should also mention N.P.Grechkin, who wrote a book about A.Ye.Arbuzov and articles devoted to Butlerov.
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 | The museum's exhibits |
 | The museum's director T.D. Sorokina. The excursion of schoolchildren |
 | A.Ye. Arbuzov's book |
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