Students of the university used to listen to lectures on organic, general, analytic and technical chemistry in Butlerov room. During the period from 1840-s to 1860-s free public lectures on chemistry and chemical technology, ordered by the administrator of the Kazan educational region, count P.I.Musin-Pushkin, took place there every week.
D.A.Korsakov mentioned the lectures in his memories: "These lectures were attended quite willingly by different people. Some of them, like Butlerov's lectures on chemistry, or Kittary's on technology, were in fashion and people wanted to listen to them so much as to see theatre performances by Miloslavsky".
Beside organic and analytical laboratories there was a technical, headed by M.Ya.Kittary. The disciple of Klauss and Zinin, professor of technology, Modest Ya. Kittary was a brilliant lecturer and organizer. He initiated the first Kazan exhibition of "rural productions" in 1852, where products of chemical, tanning, brick and cotton-spinning industry were demonstrated. Modest Kittary, together with Butlerov, was a member of "Economical Society", set in 1839 and the founder and first editor of a magazine "Zapiski Kazanskogo Ekonomicheskogo Obshchestva".
During the period from 1854 to 1858 Kittary published more than one hundred and fifty articles on different fields of industry: candle, leather, bee-keeping, gardening and potash. He suggested a project of stearin and soap-boiling production, which was used by the Krestovnikovs while constructing their plant. Two biggest plants of the Kazan city of the second half of the XIX century (Krestovnikovs' and Alafuzovs' plants) had been prospering owing to M.Ya.Kittary.
An important event in the life of Kazan School of Chemistry happened in 1928. In June the V Mendeleev congress, dedicated to 100-th Butlerov jubilee, was held in Kazan. Outstanding Russian scientists participated in the congress. The museum has a photograph of the participants, taken in Butlerov room. On A.Ye.Arbuzov's initiative and with the support of the elders the congress took the resolution to establish a research chemical institute, named after A.M.Butlerov, at the Kazan State University. The institute was opened in 1929. Its first director was A.Ye.Arbuzov.
Nowadays Butlerov room is used for different purposes. Beside every-day classes, annual ceremony of giving students cards to the first-year students of the chemistry department is held there. Representations of diplomas, candidate and doctor's dissertations and different scientific conferences also take place in Butlerov room.
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 | The document, certifying the fact of public lectures in Butlerov room |
 | M.Ya. Kittary |
 | Chemical compounds, obtained by A.Ye. Arbuzov |
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