Another A.M.Zaitsev's disciple, A.I.Lunyak being the professor of the technical chemistry department of the Kazan State University, organized students practice at the University. He was the rector of the university during the period from 1926 to 1928, then headed the chemistry department in the Kazan Medical Institute. Former students of Zinin, Klauss, Butlerov and Zaitsev opened new fields in many universities of Russia, contributing to the fame of Kazan School of Chemistry.
In the pier of the room there is an exhibition of the Kazan Chemistry School background. One can see portraits of scientists, representing the main line of the school, teachers and their students. The background of the Kazan School of Chemistry is a history of chemistry for one and a half-century not only in Kazan, but also in whole Russia.
Academician A.I.Konovalov said to the point, that the XX century was "Arbuzov's century in the history of the Kazan School of Chemistry". Alexander Ye. Arbuzov and then Boris A. Arbuzov headed the Kazan scientific center during the period from 1911 to 1990, and their former students organized and directed departments and laboratories in Kazan universities, research institutes and chemistry plants.
Boris A. Arbuzov continued working in the field of chemistry of Phosphorous compounds as his father did. It was in the laboratory, where he and his students worked on the connections between reactivities and thin structure of organic compounds, using methods of physics. At present the researches are being done there and in other laboratories in Kazan, providing further development of Butlerov's traditions.
Taking into consideration the great contribution, made by the Arbuzovs' to science, the President and the Government of the Tatarstan Republic, instituted Arbuzov's International Prize for special achievements in phosphorous compounds chemistry, which is awarded every second year. The first prizewinners were two persons, A.N.Pudovik from Russia and L.K.Kvin from the USA in 1997. In 2003 (the year of 100th Arbuzov's jubilee) the prize was given to professor of chemistry E.Nike from Germany.
A.I.Razumov as well as A.E.Arbuzov was the founder of the department of organic chemistry in the Kazan Institute of Chemistry and Technology. Under their direction, the search of biologically active phosphorous organic compounds was held and the production of medicines, based on them, was realized.
G.Kh.Kamai, a founder of chemistry of arsenic organic compounds, established a lot of chemistry departments in Kazan Institute of Chemistry and Technology. He headed a laboratory at the chemistry institute of the Kazan branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and was the university rector from 1935 to 1937.
V.S.Abramov is a well-known specialist in the field of phosphorous organic chemistry, one of the initiators of the research institute of applied chemistry in Kazan.
Arkady N. Pudovik began his scientific researches also in the old chemical laboratory. He founded the department of polymers in the Kazan university and established his own school of scientists, specialized in phosphorous organic chemistry, which is known all over the world now. A.N.Pudovik, as well as B.A.Arbuzov, is the State prizewinner of the USSR (1979) for the researches in phosphorous organic chemistry.
All these scientists began working in the old chemical laboratory of the Kazan University under the direction of A.Ye.Arbuzov in 1930-1960.
There are portraits of two Arbuzov's students on the exhibition stand.
One of them, A.N.Vereshchaghin worked during the period from 1960 to 1980. He made a contribution to contemporary experimenting, which helped in studying conformation equilibrium and conformation effects in different classes and types of organic compounds. He was also involved in administration work of the Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry of the Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Another Arbuzov's disciple, Alexander I. Konovalov, is the author of fundamental researches on the theory of organic chemistry, who suggested new trends of Kazan School of Chemistry investigations, namely the chemistry of renewed natural raw material and supramolecular chemistry. The rector of the Kazan State University (1979-1989) he headed the Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry for 10 years at the Kazan Scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, now being the president of this center.
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 | A.I. Lunyak |
 | A.Ye. and B.A. Arbuzovs |
 | Diploma and medal of the Arbuzov's prizewinner |
 | G.Kh. Kamai |
 | A.N. Pudovik, B.A. Arbuzov, A.I. Konovalov |
 | A.N. Vereshchaghin |
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