Illustrations list:
- The building of SICR of A.M.Butlerov of Kazan state University. Kazan Chemistry School Museum
- Memorial plaques on the building wall
- Butlerov lecture room. Photo late 19th century
- Butlerov lecture room. Modern view
- Examples of old chemical utensils
- Ground laboratory. Early 20th century
- Nikolaj Nikolaevich Zinin
- Notes of a full Chemistry course written upon Ordinary Professor Zinin's lectures. 1851. St.Petersburg
- Vessels of aniline and its derivatives
- Karl Karlovich Klaus
- Phials with ruthenium and K.Klaus's book "Chemical research of the ruthenium metal"
- Aleksandr Mikhailovich Butlerov
- Phials with substances obtained by N.N.Zinin, Ê.Ê.Êlaus, À.Ì.Butlerov
- À.Ì.Butlerov with a group of assistants of the laboratory of organic chemistry of Kazan university. Sitting: 3rd left À.Ì.Butlerov, À.I.Loman. Sitting: 2nd left A.N.Popov, À.Ì.Zaitsev, G.N.Glinskij. Photo 1867-68.
- Butlerov lecture room
- Vladimir Vasiljevich Markovnikov
- Aleksandr Mikhailovich Zaitsev
- Albums presented to A.M.Zaitsev to his different anniversaries
- Magister and Doctor theses of V.V.Markovnikov
- Jegor Jegorovich Vagner
- Flavian Mikhailovich Flavitskij with his wife. Kharkov, 1873
- Pocket laboratory of F.M.Flavitskij. 1901
- S.N.Reformatskij
- À.À.Àl'bitskij
- D.M.Marko
- A document about the public lectures read in Butlerov lecture room
- Professor of chemical technology Modest Jakovlevich Kittary. 1855
- Chemical substances obtained by À.Å.Àrbuzov
- A meeting of the Academic council of KSU Chemistry Department. 2001
- A group of the "patriarchs" of the 5th Mendeleev Congress in Butlerov lecture room. 1st line left: P.I.Petrenko-Kritchenko (Odessa),S.N.Reformatskij (Kiev), A.N.Reformatskij (Moscow), N.S.Kurnakov (Leningrad), A.E.Favorskij - Congress chair (Leningrad), À.F.Gerasimov (Kazan), À.Ì.Vasiljev (Kazan). 2nd line left to right: N.A.Prilejaev (Minsk), V.S.Gulevich (Moscow), N.D.Zelinskij (Moscow), À.Å.Àrbuzov - Congress organisation committee chair (Kazan), N.N.Vorojtsov (Moscow), V.E.Tishchenko (Leningrad), I.I.Bevad (Nijnii Novgorod), N.A.Valjashko (Kharkov). 1928.
- A modern view of the library
- Chemical magazines of the 19th century
- Aleksandr Jerminingel'dovich Arbuzov. Photo 1914
- Phials with phenol, salicylic acid, aspirin produced in 1914-1916
- À.Å.Àrbuzov with a group of professors of organic chemistry laboratory of Kazan Imperial University, engineers and the workers of brothers Krestobnikov' soap plant. 1914
- A plant for obtaining phenol-salicylic substances at brothers Krestobnikov' plant. 1915
- A letter about exhibiting Kazan aspirin at an exhibition in Moscow. From the funds of Arbuzovs' museum-house in Kazan
- Label sketches for boxes in which aspirin was sold. Made by A.E.Arbuzov
- À.I.Lunjak
- À.Å. and B.A.Àrbuzovs
- Arbuzov prize laureate diploma and medal
- G.Kh.Kamaj
- Arkadij Nikolaevich Pudovik, Boris Aleksandrovich Arbuzov, Aleksandr Ivanovich Konovalov
- A.N.Vereshchagin
- Decree of Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of ministers of the USSR about the conferring of Lenin prize upon B.A.Arbuzov
- V.S.Abramov
- A.I.Razumov
- Chemical laboratory. Modern view
- Students at the laboratory practice. 1928
- A group portrait of A.M.Zaitsev and his co-workers
- Professors of Chemistry of Kazan Imperial University. Sitting: À.F.Gerasimov, À.Å.Àrbuzov, F.M.Flavitskij. Standing: À.Ì.Vasiljev, À.I.Lunjak, À.À.Ivanov, D.Ì.Ìarkî, Gurjanov. 1916
- Officials and students of the Chair of Organic Chemistry of KSU. 1st line sitting: À.I.Razumov, I.A.Arbuzova, V.V.Jevlampiev, À.Å.Àrbuzov, À.I.Gortalov, B.À.Àrbuzov. 2nd line: À.V.Vasiljev, I.Zaitsev, B.Turbin, Bezzubov, unknown. 3rd line: Ju.A.Arbuzov, Cherntsov, B.Epshtein, Puchkov, V.Andreev, V.S.Abramov. 1930
- Officials of Chemistry institute of À.Ì.Butlerov in the laboratory
- Officials of Chemistry institute of À.Ì.Butlerov in the laboratory
- Museum exhibits storage room
- Phials with substances
- À.Å.Àrbuzov
- À.Å.Àrbuzov in the laboratory
- À.Å.Àrbuzov's brochure upon the art of glass-blowing
- Manual vacuum pump (late 19th century)
- Analytical scales (19th century)
- À.Ì.Butlerov's bust.Sculptor A.L.Ober (St.-Petersburg). 1880ã
- Albums presented to A.M.Zaitsev
- At the brjthers Krestovnikov' plant
- Konstantin Mikhailovich Zaitsev
- Mikhail Mikhailovich Zaitsev
- Aleksej Mikhailovich Zaitsev, Professor of Tomsk university
- Ì.Ì.Zaitsev, Professor of Don polytechnical institute
- A.M.Butlerov's study
- Chandelier
- Books from À.Ì.Butlerov's personal library
- À.Ì.Butlerov's works
- Books from the chemical laboratory of Kazan university. 19th century
- Books from the chemical laboratory of Kazan university. 19th century
- Books from the chemical laboratory of Kazan university. 19th century
- Exhibits from museum funds
- Museum Director T.D.Sorokina is leading an excursion with schoolchildren
- A.E.Arbuzov's book
- À.S.Êluchevich "Aleksandr Mikhailovich Zaitsev". Cover foto
- À.S.Êluchevich "Flavian Mikhailovich Flavitskij". Cover foto
- À.S.Êluchevich "Karl Karlovich Klaus". Cover foto
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 | The building of Scientific-Research Chemistry Institute in the name of A.M.Butlerov |
 | Samples of Arbuzov's flask |
 | Microscope |
 | Master's Dissertation Dissertation by Ye.Ye. Vagner |
 | Butlerov Organische Chemie |
 | Albums, presented to A.M. Zaitsev |
 | A page from an old book |
 | O.G.Sinyashin, Director of the Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Science |
 | L.I.Kursheva and E.S.Batyeva in the laboratory at Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Science |
 | V.I.Galkin with students |
 | Lesson at the laboratory led by I.S.Antipin |
 | M.A.Pudovik with colleagues |
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