- A.F.Gerasimov
Alexey Fedorovich Gerasimov (1881-1952) was a physicist-chemist, Doctor of Physical Sciences of Geneva University (1905), Doctor of Chemical Sciences (1937), professor (1930), the organizer and Chair of Physical Chemistry Departments at Kazan University (1919-1930, 1932-1941) and Kazan Chemical-Technological Institute (1930-1952), a disciple of professor F.M.Flavitsky.
He is known for his research in colloid chemistry, kinetics of complex reactions, and electrochemistry of metals and colloid systems. He developed a method of obtaining colloid metals, stable and soluble in water (Gerasimov's method). Preparations of colloid silver (collargol and protargol) got their application in medicine. He studied the transmission of electric current through colloid solutions (coagulation, electrophoresis, electroosmosis), discovering a new type of electrode - a collargolic one, which is one of the first representatives of a big class of colloid electrodes.
- A.Ja.Bogorodskij
Alexei Yakovlevich Bogorodskij (1870-1943), was a physicist-chemist, Doctor of Chemical Sciences (1937), professor (1912), Chair of Non-Organic Chemistry Departments at Kazan University (1917-1930) and Kazan Chemical-Technological Institute (1930-1943), a disciple of professor F.M.Flavitsky.
His versatile contribution to chemistry is really prominent and original. He studied in detail the processes of hydration and crystallization of the salts of alkali and earth metals, as well as the nature of cryohydrates' formation. He is best known by his research on electrochemistry of non-organic compounds in "flame-liquid condition", praised by D.I.Mendeleev. He studied thermochemical properties of highly-concentrated solutions.
- A.M.Vassiljev
Alexey Mikhailovich Vassiljev (1882-1956) was an analytical chemist, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, (1935), professor (1938), organizer (1919) and the Chair of Analytical Chemistry Departments at Kazan University (1922-1930, 1935-1956) and Kazan Chemical-Technological Institute (1930-1956), a disciple of professor F.M.Flavitsky.
His main scientific works are dedicated to non-organic and analytical chemistry, and to the perfection of classical method of chemical analysis. Research on trace coprecipitation, analysis of compounds of uranium, thorium, and lanthanum bore great importance for the coming-up atomic industry in the USSR. Hi also wrote works upon gas-volumetry (quantitative analysis of gases), obtainment of phosphorescent substances, the history of chemistry.
- B.A.Arbuzov
Boris Alexandrovich Arbuzov, the best-known chemist among the children of academician A.Ye.Arbuzov, was a professor at Kazan Chemical-Technological Institute (1930-1938), where in 1931 he established a Department of synthetic caoutchouc. He was a professor at Kazan University (since 1938), Director of the Institute of organic and physical chemistry of Kazan Branch of Academy of Sciences, academician (1953), the Hero of Socialistic Labor, prize-winner of State Prize and Lenin Prize.
His works on organic chemistry include the development of organic compound construction theory, chemistry of terpenes, diene and phosphor-organic compounds, application of physical methods to studying the elaborate structure of organic compounds; all of these got worldwide credit. He developed (1926, 1928) a method of soft resin secretion, which is widely used in practice. He studied (1941-1943) the methods of increasing synthetic caoutchoucs' freeze resistance. He carried out studies of hetero-organic compounds' molecule geometry, thus developing the classical theory of chemical construction. He found out biological activity of some non-toxic phosphor-organic compounds, which started to be used as drugs.
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 | A.F.Gerasimov |
 | A.Ja.Bogorodskij |
 | А.М.Васильев |
 | B.A.Arbuzov |
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